Inclusive Play Solutions srl manufactures and markets a product line consisting exclusively of activities inclusive.
In the constant search for improvement, IPS srl reserves the right to change technical features.
Items produced and sold under license Ass Billi Integration.

Playground entrance with sound and optical stimulations when you pass through
Skills developed: drawing one’s attention to something new, body awareness, assessment of space, distance, sideway direction, direction, relational psychomotor skills, visual, auditory and motor perception.
Upon passing over the colourful “large keys” decorated with the names of the musical notes or with a chosen theme, sounds of the major scale and coloured visual stimulations are reproduced by solar powered devices positioned in nearby columns.
Petals which make shade for the positioning of photovoltaic panels complete the structure.
No. of users: 1/4
Age range: 3 - 14
Materials used: Galvanized and painted steel, PTE, concrete, cast EPDM, low voltage IP66 rated electronic components powered by photovoltaic cells.

Visual, auditory, motor and interactive stimulation
Skills developed: attention, psycho-sensorial-perceptive stimulation, stimulation of the capacity to associate ideas, ideational-creative capacity, visual perception, discernment of a figure on a visual background, abstraction capacity.
This activity is a re-interpretation of a kaleidoscope.
It is operated on the observation side by turning the ring/outer grip thus changing the reproducible graphical motives and the sound effects. At the same time the observation pipe can be swiveled by -8°/+19° on the horizontal axis and by 360° on the vertical axis so that it can be well exposed to the sun.
CaleidosKaleidos is usually installed in pairs with two different heights, of which the lower one is meant to allow children sitting on technical aids or very young children to play.
The ring can be turned from both ends of the observation pipe, so that helpers can participate and/or assist children with upper limb motor difficulties.
No. of users: 1
Age range: 3 - 14
Materials used: fiberglass, polycarbonate, nylon, galvanized and painted steel.

Visual, auditory, motor and interactive stimulation
Skills developed: Socialization, perceptive visual, auditory and tactile (hands and feet) stimulation, sound-movement relationship, gestural mimic creativity, cooperation, coordination, knowing how to share with companions, auditory-motor coordination, parents-children relationship.
This activity proposes the use of the xylophone, on the inclusion level, when playing.
A pair of resounding pipe drums, whose scale is respectively reverse, may be struck by children by means of the striker “noses” which work both when pushed and when released.
The complete series is divided into four independent sections which may be adapted to the available or established course.
Besides having the striker “noses” the pipes have further details on their surface which reproduce a face to characterize the game and make it emotionally appealing.
No. of users: 1/4
Age range: 3 - 14
Materials used: Galvanized and painted steel, concrete, rubbery polymer for outdoor use, PVC.

Visual, auditory, motor and interactive stimulation
Skills developed: attention and memory, respect of individual timing and rhythm, auditory, space, distance and direction discernment, vocal and auditory analysis-synthesis, improvisation, space-time relationship, parents-children relationship.
This activity is made up of a fiberglass structure having a half-pipe shape.
The children playing inside can whisper and will be clearly heard on the other end of the structure.
The seats are mobile so that children with technical aids can access too.
No. of users: 8
Age range: 3 - 12
Materials used: Fiberglass, PTE, stainless steel.

Visual, auditory, motor and interactive stimulation
Skills developed: attention, respect for others in taking turns and individual rhythm, communication, attention, auditory discernment, analysis-synthesis of oral language, stimulation of parents-children relationship.
This activity transmits voices and sounds both actively and passively through 4 relaying and listening stations.
Children play near the pipes which convey and amplify their voices transmitting them to the opposite end.
Should a child want to communicate with the two stations on the right and left in relation to his/her position or be assisted in communicating to the station in front of him/her, he/she must push the button on the console having the colour of the required station and may choose to convey sounds or his/her voice.
The height of the pipes from the ground is adjustable by simply lifting or lowering the station by means of the special lower grips.
A counterweight provides to balance movement and stabilization.
No. of users: 4
Age range: 5 - 12
Materials used: Fiberglass, PVC, HPL, galvanized and painted steel, polycarbonate, low voltage IP66 rated electronic components powered by photovoltaic cells.

Psychomotor stimulation
Skills developed:, body psycho-sensorial-perceptive stimulation in all areas, perception of self, static and dynamic balance, confidence in oneself, cooperation scheme, venting of drive on the psychomotor level, psychophysical wellness.
This activity is an interpretation of the “Ball Pool”®
It is made up of a modular circular structure in fiberglass which creates two concentric pools.
The one in the centre, which is on a higher level, lets children with technical aids move when they are submerged in 10-15 cm of balls from their waist up, because of plastic “valves” closed around the child.
Access to the outer pool is from two steps connected with downwards ramps.
The perimeter is enclosed in a transparent polycarbonate construction that contains the balls.
No. of users: 12/14
Age range: 3 - 12
Materials used: Fiberglass, galvanized and painted steel, elastomers and/or elastic fabric.

Psychomotor and interactive stimulation
Skills developed: contact with materials, use of hands, socialization, communication, teamwork, building together, psychomotor skills, attention, concentration, cooperation, creativity.
This activity gives the opportunity to children with disabilities who use technical aids to move and manipulate sand.
The structure is made up of a ring-shaped container filled with sand.
There are holes on the bottom which by means of special filters retain sand but allow any rainwater that accumulates to flow away.
Children can play inside, sitting on a special bench, or outside either standing up or with their technical aids.
No. of users: 10/12
Age range: 3 - 12
Materials used: Fiberglass reinforced with steel, galvanized and painted steel, HPL (inner bench).

Psychomotor stimulation
Skills developed: motor activity, visual and auditory stimulation with a sound guide, coordination, balance, respect of individual timing, dexterity, space-time coordination, agility, resistance to fear, assessment of space, competition, distance and direction, parents-children relationship.
This activity is made up of 4 bucket type seats with a big spring and an outer metallic structure which supports a flying ball.
The children sit in the big springs and can play by moving themselves and by interacting with a colourful ball which makes sounds.
The ball is connected to the structure with an elastic support and a 360° revolving articulated arm.
Children can accordingly pass the ball among each other with ease and recover it just as easily when they drop it.
No. of users:: 4
Age range: 5 - 12
Materials used: Fiberglass, HPL, galvanized and painted steel.

Psychomotor and interactive stimulation
Skills developed: ocular-manual coordination, relational psychomotor skills, space organization, coarse motor skills, attention, readiness of reflexes, distance, reduction of hyperactivity, organizing and creating games.
This activity is an interpretation of basketball. It is made up of a hollow fiberglass shaft in the centre that resembles a tree trunk and of a rotating basket running along the perimeter having a metallic load-bearing structure and transparent PVC buffers for the outdoors.
The objective for the children is to toss the ball through the top of the tree and wait for the ball to come out from the openings of the “cut branches” on the sides.
Upon coming out the ball makes the puppets of the game tilt outwards as if they were “serving” the ball. Once the ball falls into the basket the inclination makes it move towards the outer edge and it can be recovered by the children, also because of the basket’s passive rotation which makes recovery operations easier for children having mobility problems.
No. of users: 10/12
Age range: 3 - 14
Materials used: Fiberglass, polycarbonate, galvanized and painted steel, PTE.

Psychomotor and interactive stimulation
Skills developed: motor activity, visual and auditory stimulation with a sound guide, coordination, balance, respect of individual timing, dexterity, space-time coordination, agility, resistance to fear, assessment of space, competition, distance and direction.
This activity is made up of 2 bucket type seats with a big spring and an outer metallic structure which supports a flying ball.
The children sit in the big springs and can play by moving themselves and by interacting with a colourful ball which makes sounds.
The ball is joined to the structure with an elastic fastening, to a movable trolley for the length which is required so that the children can pass the ball with ease and catch it just as easily.
No. of users: 2
Age range: 5 - 12
Materials used: Fiberglass, HPL, galvanized and painted steel.

Psychomotor and interactive stimulation
Skills developed: body awareness on concepts regarding: space, direction and speed, discernment of a figure on a visual background, coarse motor skills, analysis-synthesis, cooperation, competitiveness, teamwork, checking scores.
This activity is made up of a fiberglass structure fixed to the ground which has suitably sized and positioned passageways according to a scale of growing difficulty. A ball must be tossed through the passageways.
Children can position themselves at the tossing post, which is marked by two abacuses for keeping score. The ball is easily recovered once it has centred a passageway as it rolls through tubes which convey it to the back part of the structure and brings it back to the tossed post.
No. of users: 1/4
Age range: 3 - 14
Materials used: Fiberglass, nylon/polycarbonate, galvanized and painted steel, polyurethane rubber.

Psychomotor and interactive stimulation
Skills developed: stimulation of teamwork, interpersonal relationships, resistance to fear, relationship with one’s body, visual and/or auditory stimulation, facilitations of independence, socialization, learning to ask for and give help.
Even children having difficulties in walking and who need technical aids for movement can pass through the tunnel in this activity.
Able-bodied children can play in the 24’ PTE tubes found at the entrance and inside the tunnel.
The game can be of various lengths by adding multiples of the base sector module.
No. of users: max 8 for the basic configuration 6 modules / 2 tubes
Age range: 3 - 14
Materials used: Fiberglass with steel reinforcements, PTE (24’ tubes), HPL (inner partitions if present).

Psychomotor and sensorial-perceptive stimulation (space – time)
Skills developed: body awareness with reference to the concept of space, distance and direction, speed, agility, dexterity, resistance to fear, balance, attention, being able to wait for one’s turn.
This activity is an interpretation of a cableway.
It is made up of two stations, one at which children slide on an inclination on a pole with a round seat, the other one is horizontally drawn on a level surface with a safety seat pulled by a parent or helper.
No. of users: 2
Age range: 3 - 12
Materials used: Fiberglass, galvanized and painted steel, polyurethane rubber.

Psycho-sensorial-perceptive stimulation, attention to positions and active and passive postural activity
Skills developed: postural, static and dynamic self-control of the body, balance, resistance to fear, perception of space-time, playing games in an adult-child relationship, therapeutic aid, containing one’s body, facilitation of independence, etc.
This activity is an interpretation of the classic playground “springers”.
It is made up of 2 distinct units which besides able-bodied children in case (A) offer containment of hypotonic children whereas in (B) it is aimed at passive postural activity.
There are sturdy and flexible polymer “grips” which allow children to independently grasp or the helper to passively move the equipment.
No. of users: 1
Age range: 3 - 12
Materials used: Fiberglass, synthetic polymer, galvanized and painted steel.

Psychomotor stimulation and psycho-perceptive sense
Skills developed: stimulation of independence, use of mediators, dexterity and knowledge of space, time and sideways directions, recognition of one’s capacities, independent activity or assisted by a helper, knowledge of rules, respect of other people’s timing.
This small car is on 4 wheels, the two front ones are idle and passive while the two back ones can drive movement via a free wheel powered by the children’s arms through special levers.
The back wheels are independent and autonomous and are steered through belt-drive.
A metal grip is fixed onto the back of the structure. It has a double function: as a “roll bar” and as a handle for the helper’s mediators to passively move the child.
There are special grooves on the surface of the seat. Their purpose is to house the special two-element support for the legs of children suffering tetraparesis or in any case who have problems with their joints.
No. of users: 1
Age range: 3 - 12
Materials used: Fiberglass, nylon, galvanized and painted steel, technical polymer for padding.

Psychomotor stimulation and psycho-perceptive sense
Skills developed: control of space-time perception, coarse motor skills, ocular-manual dexterity, visual and auditory stimulation, tossing and catching, reassurance, interpersonal communication, competitiveness, teamwork, social integration, creativity.
This activity is made up of three distinct fiberglass structures resembling flowers. Some areas are fitted with magnetic bottons. Children toss the magnetic small balls provided with the game and these stick onto the said target surface.
No. of users: 1/3
Age range: 3 - 14
Materials used: Fiberglass, galvanized and painted steel, synthetic materials.

Relaxation, interpersonal communication, knowing each other.
Skills developed: accessibility to everyone, meeting each other, self-management of independence, interpersonal communication, integration, help relationship, sharing (games, food, etc.), communication between parents, etc.
This structure provides moments of rest and socialization, it offers shade and support for activities and board games. It has a modular, simple and accessible arrangement.
No. of users: 1/9
Age range: 3 - 14
Materials used: Galvanized and painted steel, PTE, HPL.